Cisco Security Advisory
Transport Layer Security Renegotiation Remote Man-in-the-Middle Attack Vulnerability

Multiple Transport Layer Security (TLS) implementations contain a vulnerability when renegotiating a TLS session that could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to conduct a man-in-the-middle attack.
The vulnerability exists during a TLS renegotiation process. If an attacker can intercept traffic from a client to a TLS server, the attacker could stage a rogue TLS server to intercept that traffic and appear to authenticate the client to what the client thinks is the desired TLS server. The attacker is then able to authenticate to the legitimate TLS server and thus stage a man-in-the-middle attack. However, the attacker would not be able to view the contents of the session and would only be able to inject data or requests into it.
Proof-of-concept code that exploits this vulnerability is publicly available.
OpenSSL has confirmed this vulnerability in a changelog and released updated software.
To exploit this vulnerability, the attacker must be able to intercept traffic from a TLS client to a TLS server. In many cases, this may require the attacker to have access to a network that is adjacent to the targeted user's system. Another possibility would be for the attacker to have access to a network that is adjacent to a legitimate TLS server.
This vulnerability is likely to affect multiple implementations of TLS.
Apache has released a changelog at the following link: Changes with Apache 2.2.15
Apple has released security updates at the following links: Security Update 2010-001, Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 3, and Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 8
Cisco has re-released a security advisory at the following link: cisco-sa-20091109-tls. This advisory contains associated bug ID numbers; however, these numbers are likely to change as products are confirmed vulnerable or not vulnerable.
Citrix has released security advisories at the following link: CTX123359
F5 has released a security advisory for registered users at the following link: CVE-2009-3555
FreeBSD has released security advisory at the following link: FreeBSD-SA-09:15.ssl
FreeBSD has released a VuXML document at the following link: mozilla -- multiple vulnerabilities
HP has released security bulletins at the following links: c01945686 at HPSBUX02482 SSRT090249, c02079216 at HPSBUX02517 SSRT100058,c02171256 at HPSBMA02534 SSRT090180, c02122104 at HPSBUX02524 SSRT100089, c02436041 at HPSBGN02562 SSRT090249, c02512995 at HPSBMA02568 SSRT100219, c02616748 at HPSBUX02608 SSRT100333, c03263573 at HPSBMU02759 SSRT100817, and c03281831 at HPSBOV02762 SSRT100825. HP has also released security bulletins c01963123 and c02273751 for registered users at the following links: HPSBU02498 SSRT090264 and HPSBMA02547 SSRT100179
IBM has released APARs at the following links: PK96157, PM12247, and PM10658. IBM has released advisories at the following links: swg24025312, swg21415080, swg21426108, swg24006386, and swg21607116. IBM has re-released a security alert at the following link: CVE-2009-3555. IBM has released an APAR for registered users at the following link: IC68055
Microsoft has released a security bulletin, security advisory, and a knowledge base article at the following links: MS10-049, Microsoft Security Advisory (977377), and KB 977377
MontaVista Software has released a security alert for registered users on March 9, 2012, at the following link: MontaVista Security Fixes
Mozilla has released a security advisory at the following link: MFSA 2010-22
NetBSD has released a security advisory at the following link: NetBSD-SA2010-002
Novell has released a security advisory at the following link: 7005950
OpenBSD has released security announcements at the following links: 004: Security FIX: November 26, 2009 and 010: SECURITY FIX: November 26, 2009 has released a security bulletin at the following link: CVE-2009-3555
Oracle has released a security alert at the following link: Critical Patch Update March 2010
Red Hat has released security advisories at the following links: RHSA-2009:1579, RHSA-2009:1580, RHSA-2010:0011, RHSA-2010:0119, RHSA-2010:0130, RHSA-2010:0155, RHSA-2010:0162, RHSA-2010:0163, RHSA-2010:0164, RHSA-2010:0165, RHSA-2010:0166, RHSA-2010:0167, RHSA-2010:0339, RHSA-2010:0408, RHSA-2010:0440, RHSA-2010:0770, RHSA-2010:0786, RHSA-2010:0807, RHSA-2010:0986, and RHSA-2010:0987
Sun has re-released security advisories at the following links: 273029, 273350, and 274990
Sun has released a security notification at the following link: CVE-2009-3555
US-CERT has released a vulnerability note at the following link: VU#120541
VMware has released security advisories at the following links: VMSA-2010-0015 and VMSA-2010-0019
Administrators are advised to apply the appropriate updates.
Administrators are advised to physically secure internal networks and use switches rather than hubs to route the data.
Administrators are advised to run both firewall and antivirus applications to minimize the potential of inbound and outbound threats.
OpenSSL has released updated software at the following link: openssl-0.9.8l.tar.gz
Apache has released updated software at the following link: Apache HTTP Server 2.2.15
Apple has released updated software at the following links:
Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server 10.6.4
Security Update 2010-001 (Snow Leopard)
Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 3
Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server 10.5.8
CentOS packages can be updated using the up2date or yum command.
Security Update 2010-001 Client (Leopard)
Security Update 2010-001 Server (Leopard)
Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 8
F5 has released updated software for registered users at the following link: F5 Products
FreeBSD has released patches at the following HTTP link: ssl.patch
FreeBSD releases ports collection updates at the following link: Ports Collection Index
HP has released updated software at the following links:
HP System Management Homepage for Linux version 6.2
HP System Management Homepage for Linux version 6.2
HP System Management Homepage for Windows version 6.2
B.11.11 PA (32 and 64)
Apache PA-64-32-1111.depot
B.11.23 (PA and IA)
IBM has released interim fixes at the following links: swg24025312 and swg24006386. IBM has released APARs at the following links: PK96157, PM12247, and PM10658. Users of the IBM JDK are advised to install JSSE APAR IZ65239. IBM has released updates at the following links: IBM developer kits, IBM DB2 version 9.1 Fix Pack 9, and IBM DB2 version 9.7 Fix Pack 2.
Apache IA-PA-32-1123.depot
Apache IA-PA-64-1123.depot
B.11.31 (PA and IA)
Apache IA-PA-32-1131.depot
Apache IA-PA-64-1131.depot
HP System Management Homepage
v6.1.0.102 or subsequent (for Windows)
v6.1.0-103 or subsequent (for Linux x86)
v6.1.0-103 or subsequent (for Linux AMD64/EM64T)
HP-UX B.11.31
JDK and JRE v6.0.07 or subsequent
JDK and JRE v5.0.20 or subsequent
SDK and JRE v1.4.2.25 or subsequent
JDK and JRE v6.0.09 or subsequent
JDK and JRE v5.0.21 or subsequent
HP-UX B.11.23
JDK and JRE v6.0.07 or subsequent
JDK and JRE v5.0.20 or subsequent
SDK and JRE v1.4.2.25 or subsequent
JDK and JRE v6.0.09 or subsequent
JDK and JRE v5.0.21 or subsequent
HP-UX B.11.11
JDK and JRE v6.0.07 or subsequent
JDK and JRE v5.0.20 or subsequent
SDK and JRE v1.4.2.25 or subsequent
JDK and JRE v6.0.09 or subsequent
JDK and JRE v5.0.21 or subsequent
HP Systems Insight Manager (SIM)
v6.1 or subsequent (for HP-UX, Linux, and Windows)
HP ProCurve Threat Management Services zl Module
Version ST.1.1.100430 or subsequent
HP has released updated software for registered users at the following link:
HP Onboard Administrator 3.50
IBM has released a fix at the following link: IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager 8.2.1310.
Microsoft customers can obtain updates directly by using the links in the security bulletin. These updates are also distributed by Windows automatic update features and available on the Windows Update website. Microsoft Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), Systems Management Server, and System Center Configuration Manager can assist administrators in deploying software updates.
MontaVista Software has released updated software at the following links:
PRO 5.0
Pro 5.0.24
Mobilinux 5.0.24
Pro 4.0.1
CGE 4.0.1
Mobilinux 4.1
Moblinux 4.0.2
CGE 5.1
Mobilinux 5.0
Mozilla has released updated software at the following links:
Firefox 3.6.2
Firefox 3.5.9
Thunderbird 3.0.4
SeaMonkey 2.0.4
NetBSD has released instructions for installing available patches at the following link: NetBSD
OpenBSD has released source code patches at the following FTP links: OpenBSD 4.5 and OpenBSD 4.6 has released an updated version at the following link: 3.2.1
Oracle has released patches for registered users at the following link: Oracle
Red Hat packages can be updated using the up2date or yum command.
Sun has released patches at the following links: SPARC
Solaris 8 with patch 119209-22 or later
Solaris 9 with patch 119211-22 or later
Solaris 10 with patch 119213-21 or later
Sun Java Enterprise System 5 with patch 125358-10 or later
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 update 7 or later
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 with patch 125437-18 or later
Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.13 or later
Sun Java System Directory Server 5.2 Patch 6 with patch 142806-02 or later
Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3.1 with patch 142807-02 or later
Solaris 9 with patch 119212-22 or later
Solaris 10 with patch 119214-21 or later
Sun Java Enterprise System 5 with patch 125359-10 or later
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 update 7 or later
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 with patch 125438-18 or later
Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.13 or later
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 with HADB with patch 128644-15 or later (for customers with valid support contract) or 141701-03 or later (for customers without valid support contract)
Sun Java System Directory Server 5.2 Patch 6 with patch 142806-02 or later
Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3.1 with patch 142807-02 or later
Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 and Sun Java Enterprise System 5 (for RHEL2.1 and RHEL3.0) with patch 142506-03 or later
Sun Java Enterprise System 5 (for RHEL4.0 and RHEL5.0) with patch 121656-21 or later
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 update 7 or later
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 with patch 125439-16 or later
Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 with patch 119171-33 or later
Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.13 or later
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 with HADB with patch 128645-15 or later (for customers with valid support contract) or 141702-03 or later (for customers without valid support contract)
Sun Java System Directory Server 5.2 Patch 6 with patch 142806-02 or later
Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3.1 with patch 142807-02 or later
Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 and Sun Java Enterprise System 5 with patch 124379-12 or later
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 update 7 or later
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 with patch 125440-16 or later
Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.13 or later
Sun Java System Directory Server 5.2 Patch 6 with patch 142806-02 or later
Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3.1 with patch 142807-02 or later
Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 with patch 124392-11 or later
Sun Java Enterprise System 5 with patch 125923-10 or later
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 update 7 or later
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 with patch 125441-18 or later
Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 with patch 119172-33 or later
Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.13 or later
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 with HADB with patch 128646-15 or later (for customers with valid support contract) or 141703-03 or later (for customers without valid support contract)
Sun Java System Directory Server 5.2 Patch 6 with patch 142806-02 or later
Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3.1 with patch 142807-02 or later
- Sun Java System Directory Server 5.2 Patch 6 with patch 142806-02 or later
VMware has released updated software at the following links:
ESX 3.5
ESX 4.0
ESX 4.1
The Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) is not aware of any public announcements or malicious use of the vulnerability that is described in this advisory.
To learn about Cisco security vulnerability disclosure policies and publications, see the Security Vulnerability Policy. This document also contains instructions for obtaining fixed software and receiving security vulnerability information from Cisco.
Version Description Section Status Date 1.0 Initial Release NA Final 2009-Nov-05
A stand-alone copy or paraphrase of the text of this document that omits the distribution URL is an uncontrolled copy, and may lack important information or contain factual errors. The information in this document is intended for end-users of Cisco products.