Cisco Security Advisory
OSPF LSA Manipulation Vulnerability in Multiple Cisco Products

Multiple Cisco products are affected by a vulnerability involving the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Routing Protocol Link State Advertisement (LSA) database. This vulnerability could allow an unauthenticated attacker to take full control of the OSPF Autonomous System (AS) domain routing table, blackhole traffic, and intercept traffic.
The attacker could trigger this vulnerability by injecting crafted OSPF packets. Successful exploitation could cause flushing of the routing table on a targeted router, as well as propagation of the crafted OSPF LSA type 1 update throughout the OSPF AS domain.
To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker must accurately determine certain parameters within the LSA database on the target router. This vulnerability can only be triggered by sending crafted unicast or multicast LSA type 1 packets. No other LSA type packets can trigger this vulnerability.
OSPFv3 is not affected by this vulnerability. Fabric Shortest Path First (FSPF) protocol is not affected by this vulnerability.
Workarounds that address this vulnerability are available. This advisory is available at the following link:
Vulnerable Products
The following Cisco Products have an OSPF implementation that is affected by this vulnerability. Refer to the Software Versions and Fixes section for information on fixed software.
Cisco IOS Software
Cisco devices that are running Cisco IOS Software and configured for OSPF are vulnerable. Devices that do not have OSPF enabled are not affected by this vulnerability.
Note: This vulnerability can only be triggered by targeting the OSPF multicast address or directly targeting interfaces that are OSPF enabled.
OSPFv3 is not affected by this vulnerability. Fabric Shortest Path First (FSPF) protocol is not affected by this vulnerability.
To determine if a Cisco IOS device is configured with OSPF on an interface, use the show ip ospf interface command. The following is the output of the show ip ospf interface command on a Cisco IOS device configured with OSPF and enabled on the GigabitEthernet0/0/1 interface:
Router#show ip ospf interface
GigabitEthernet0/0/1 is up, line protocol is up
Internet Address, Area 0, Attached via Network Statement
Process ID 1, Router ID, Network Type BROADCAST, Cost: 1
Topology-MTID Cost Disabled Shutdown Topology Name
0 1 no no Base
Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State DR, Priority 1
This vulnerability only affects Router LSAs (LSA type 1). As the result of exploitation of this vulnerability, the targeted router will have inconsistent information in its Router Link States LSA database, where the Link ID information will not match Advertising Router ID in the output of the show ip ospf database command.
The following is the output of the show ip ospf database command in a Cisco IOS device affected by this vulnerability:
Router>show ip ospf database
OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 1)
Router Link States (Area 0)
Link ID ADV Router Age Seq# Checksum Link count 334 0x8000000E 0x00E29A 3 22 0x80000011 0x0062A8 3 298 0x80000018 0x00394A 2 305 0x80000020 0x00E715 3
Note: An affected targeted router will propagate the crafted LSA throughout the OSPF area. If the vulnerability is successfully exploited, all the routers in the same OSPF area will have a copy of the crafted LSA Type 1 entry in the OSPF LSA database.
To determine the Cisco IOS Software release that is running on a Cisco product, administrators can log into the device and issue the show version command to display the system banner. The system banner confirms that the device is running Cisco IOS Software by displaying text similar to "Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software" or "Cisco IOS Software." The image name displays in parentheses, followed by "Version" and the Cisco IOS Software release name. Other Cisco devices do not have the show version command or may provide different output.
The following example identifies a Cisco product that is running Cisco IOS Software Release 15.0(1)M1 with an installed image name of C3900-UNIVERSALK9-M:
Router>show version
Cisco IOS Software, C3900 Software (C3900-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.0(1)M1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2009 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 02-Dec-09 17:17 by prod_rel_team
Additional information about Cisco IOS Software release naming conventions is available in "White Paper: Cisco IOS Reference Guide" at the following link:
Note: Cisco IOS XR is not affected by this vulnerability.
Cisco IOS-XE Software
Cisco devices that are running Cisco IOS XE Software and configured for OSPF are vulnerable. Devices that do not have OSPF enabled are not affected by this vulnerability.
The version of Cisco IOS-XE Software that is running on a Cisco device can be determined using the show version command from the Command Line Interface (CLI).
Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA), Cisco ASA Service Module (ASA-SM) and Cisco Pix Firewall
Cisco devices that are running Cisco ASA or Cisco PIX Software and configured for OSPF are vulnerable. Devices that do not have OSPF enabled are not affected by this vulnerability.
The version of software that is running on a Cisco ASA, Cisco ASA-SM or Cisco Pix security appliances can be determined using the show version command from the CLI.
Cisco Firewall Services Module (FWSM)
Cisco devices that are running Cisco FWSM Software and configured for OSPF are vulnerable. Devices that do not have OSPF enabled are not affected by this vulnerability.
The version of software that is running on a Cisco FWSM can be determined using the show version command from the CLI.
Cisco NX-OS Software
Cisco devices that are running Cisco NX-OS Software and configured for OSPF are vulnerable. Devices that do not have OSPF enabled are not affected by this vulnerability.
The version of Cisco NX-OS Software that is running on Cisco Nexus 3000, 5000, 6000 and 7000 series devices can be determined using the show version command from the CLI.
Exploiting the vulnerability on a Cisco Nexus device will not affect the local routing table of Cisco Nexus. However, the Cisco Nexus devices will install and propagate the crafted LSA to other devices in the OSPF area. Such crafted LSA propagated to other routers that are part of the same OSPF AS may affect the routing tables across the OSPF AS.
Note: Cisco Nexus 1000v Series is not affected by this vulnerability.
Cisco ASR 5000
Cisco devices that are running Cisco StarOS Software and configured for OSPF are vulnerable. Devices that do not have OSPF enabled are not affected by this vulnerability.
The version of software that is running on a Cisco ASR 5000 can be determined using the show version command from the CLI.
Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable
The following Cisco products are not affected by this vulnerability:
- Cisco IOS XR Software
- Cisco Connected Grid Routers
- Cisco Nexus 1000v Series
- Cisco Nexus 9000 Series
- Cisco Next Generation Wiring Closet (NGWC)
No other Cisco products are currently known to be affected by this vulnerability.
OSPF is a routing protocol defined by RFC 2328. It is designed to manage IP routing inside an AS. OSPF packets use IP protocol number 89.
Multiple Cisco products are affected by a vulnerability involving the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Routing Protocol Link State Advertisement (LSA) database. This vulnerability could allow an unauthenticated attacker to take full control of the OSPF Autonomous System (AS) domain routing table, blackhole traffic, and intercept traffic.
The attacker could trigger this vulnerability by injecting crafted OSPF packets. Successful exploitation could cause flushing of the routing table on a targeted router, as well as propagation of the crafted OSPF LSA type 1 update throughout the OSPF AS domain.
To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker must accurately determine certain parameters within the LSA database on the target router. This vulnerability can only be triggered by sending crafted unicast or multicast LSA type 1 packets. No other LSA type packets can trigger this vulnerability.
OSPFv3 is not affected by this vulnerability. Fabric Shortest Path First (FSPF) protocol is not affected by this vulnerability.
Network devices running the OSPF protocol may be impacted by this vulnerability if they receive a crafted LSA type 1 packet. This packet does not have to be acknowledged, and it can originate from a spoofed IP address.
In order to exploit this vulnerability, an attacker needs to determine a number of factors, such as the network placement and IP address of the target router, LSA DB sequence numbers, and the router ID of the OSPF Designated Router (DR). An attacker needs to know all of the factors in order to exploit this vulnerability.
Since OSPF processes unicast packets as well as multicast packets, this vulnerability can be exploited remotely and can be used to target multiple systems on the local segment simultaneously. Using OSPF authentication as described in the Workarounds section can mitigate the effects of this vulnerability. Using OSPF authentication is a highly recommended security best practice, regardless of the presence of this vulnerability.
Refer to for more information about Configuring OSPF.
Once processed, a crafted LSA type 1 packet may cause a directly targeted router to flush the content of its routing table and propagate the crafted LSA update throughout the OSPF area. OSPF member routers of the same area would be affected by processing and installing a crafted LSA type 1 packet propagated by the victim router. This may lead to a number of consequences, such as the injection of false routes into the OSPF routing table, the blackholing of traffic, or redirecting of traffic to a destination that is controlled by an attacker.
In order to recover affected systems, administrators can delete the OSPF configuration from the affected device and enable it again. Alternatively, a reload is required to recover affected systems. Clearing the OSPF process or routing table by means of commands such as clear ip ospf process or clear ip route does not have any effect and cannot be used to recover affected systems.
Note: All unfixed versions of Cisco IOS Software, Cisco IOS XE Software, Cisco ASA Software, Cisco PIX Software and Cisco FWSM Software are affected by this vulnerability. A targeted device running affected software will flush the contents of its routing table and propagate the crafted LSA packet throughout the OSPF area.
This vulnerability is documented in the following Cisco bug IDs:
- CSCug34485 (registered customers only) for Cisco IOS Software and Cisco IOS XE Software has been assigned Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) ID CVE-2013-0149
- CSCug34469 (registered customers only) for Cisco ASA and Cisco Pix has been assigned Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) ID CVE-2013-0149
- CSCug39762 (registered customers only) for Cisco FWSM has been assigned Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) ID CVE-2013-0149
- CSCug63304 (registered customers only) for Cisco NX-OS Software has been assigned Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) ID CVE-2013-0149
- CSCug39795 (registered customers only) for Cisco StarOS Software has been assigned Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) ID CVE-2013-0149
The use of OSPF authentication is a valid workaround. OSPF packets without a valid key will not be processed. MD5 authentication is highly recommended, due to inherent weaknesses in plain text authentication. With plain text authentication, the authentication key will be sent unencrypted over the network, which can allow an attacker on a local network segment to capture the key by sniffing packets.
Refer to for more information about OSPF authentication.
Additionally, an OSPF Time To Live (TTL) security check can be applied as a partial workaround.
Note: This workaround is valid to protect against remotely triggered attacks and does not protect against attackers that are layer 2-adjacent to vulnerable devices.
For more information about general Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) hardening, refer to
Additional mitigations that can be deployed on Cisco devices within the network are available in the Cisco Applied Mitigation Bulletin companion document for this advisory, which is available at the following link:
For information about fixed software releases, consult the Cisco bug ID(s) at the top of this advisory. When considering software upgrades, customers are advised to regularly consult the advisories for Cisco products, which are available from the Cisco Security Advisories and Alerts page, to determine exposure and a complete upgrade solution.
In all cases, customers should ensure that the devices to be upgraded contain sufficient memory and confirm that current hardware and software configurations will continue to be supported properly by the new release. If the information is not clear, customers are advised to contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) or their contracted maintenance providers.
Cisco IOS Software
Each row of the following Cisco IOS Software table corresponds to a Cisco IOS Software train. If a particular train is vulnerable, the earliest releases that contain the fix are listed in the First Fixed Release column. The First Fixed Release for All Advisories in the March 2013 Bundled Publication column lists the earliest possible releases that correct all the published vulnerabilities in the Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory bundled publication. Cisco recommends upgrading to the latest available release where possible.
The Cisco IOS Software Checker allows customers to search for Cisco Security Advisories that address specific Cisco IOS Software releases. This tool is available on the Cisco Security (SIO) portal at
Major Release Availability of Repaired Releases Affected 12.0-Based Releases First Fixed Release 12.0S Releases up to and including 12.0(1)S are not vulnerable.
12.0SY Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.0SZ Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
Affected 12.2-Based Releases First Fixed Release 12.2BX Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SB
12.2DA Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.2EWA Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SG
12.2EX Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.0SE
12.2EY Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.2EZ 12.2(60)EZ
12.2IRA Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SRE
12.2IRB Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SRE
12.2IRC Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SRE
12.2IRD Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SRE
12.2IRE Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SRE
12.2IRF Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SRE
12.2IRG Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.2IRH Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.2IRI Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.2IXF Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.2IXG Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.2IXH Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.2MC Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.2MRA Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SRE
12.2MRB Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.2S Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SB
12.2SB 12.2(33)SB15
12.2SCA Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SCG
12.2SCB Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SCG
12.2SCC Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SCG
12.2SCD Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SCG
12.2SCE Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SCG
12.2SCF Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SCG
12.2SCG 12.2(33)SCG5
12.2SCH Not vulnerable
12.2SE 12.2(55)SE8
12.2SEG Releases prior to 12.2(25)SEG4 are vulnerable; Releases 12.2(25)SEG4 and later are not vulnerable. First fixed in Release 15.0SE
12.2SG 12.2(53)SG10
12.2SGA Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SG
12.2SM Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.2SQ Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.2SRA Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SRE
12.2SRB Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SRE
12.2SRC Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SRE
12.2SRD Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SRE
12.2SRE 12.2(33)SRE9
12.2STE Not vulnerable
12.2SV Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.2SVD Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.2SVE Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.2SW Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.2SXF Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
Please see IOS Software Modularity Patch
12.2SXH Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
Please see IOS Software Modularity Patch
12.2SXI 12.2(33)SXI12
12.2SXJ 12.2(33)SXJ6
12.2SY Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.0SY
12.2WO Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.0SG
12.2XNA Please see Cisco IOS-XE Software Availability
12.2XNB Please see Cisco IOS-XE Software Availability
12.2XNC Please see Cisco IOS-XE Software Availability
12.2XND Please see Cisco IOS-XE Software Availability
12.2XNE Please see Cisco IOS-XE Software Availability
12.2XNF Please see Cisco IOS-XE Software Availability
12.2XO Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SG
12.2YT Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.2ZYA Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
Affected 12.3-Based Releases First Fixed Release 12.3B Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3BC Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SCG
12.3BW Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3JA Releases prior to 12.3(4)JA2 are vulnerable; Releases 12.3(4)JA2 and later are not vulnerable. Migrate to any release in 12.4JA
12.3JEA Not vulnerable
12.3JEB Not vulnerable
12.3JEC Not vulnerable
12.3JED Not vulnerable
12.3JEE Not vulnerable
12.3JK Releases up to and including 12.3(2)JK3 are not vulnerable.
Releases 12.3(8)JK1 and later are not vulnerable. First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3JL Not vulnerable
12.3JX Not vulnerable
12.3T Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3TPC Releases up to and including 12.3(4)TPC11a are not vulnerable.
12.3XA Releases prior to 12.3(2)XA7 are vulnerable; Releases 12.3(2)XA7 and later are not vulnerable. First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3XB Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.3XC Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3XD Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3XE Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3XF Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.3XG Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3XI Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.2SB
12.3XJ Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3XK Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3XL Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3XQ Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3XR Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3XU Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3XW Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3XX Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3XY Not vulnerable
12.3XZ Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3YD Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3YF Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3YG Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3YI Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3YJ Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3YK Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3YM Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3YQ Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3YS Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3YT Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3YU Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3YX Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.3YZ Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.3ZA Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
Affected 12.4-Based Releases First Fixed Release 12.4 Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4GC Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.4JA Not vulnerable
12.4JAL Not vulnerable
12.4JAM Not vulnerable
12.4JAN Not vulnerable
12.4JAX Not vulnerable
12.4JAZ Not vulnerable
12.4JDA Not vulnerable
12.4JDC Not vulnerable
12.4JDD Not vulnerable
12.4JDE Not vulnerable
12.4JHA Not vulnerable
12.4JHB Not vulnerable
12.4JHC Not vulnerable
12.4JK Not vulnerable
12.4JL Not vulnerable
12.4JX Not vulnerable
12.4JY Not vulnerable
12.4JZ Not vulnerable
12.4MD Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.4MDA
Releases up to and including 12.4(24)MD are not vulnerable.
12.4MDA 12.4(24)MDA13
12.4MDB Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 12.4MDA
12.4MR Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.4MRA Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.4MRB Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4SW Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4T Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4XA Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4XB Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4XC Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4XD Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4XE Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4XF Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4XG Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4XJ Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4XK Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4XL Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.4XM Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4XN Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.4XP Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.4XQ Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4XR Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4XT Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4XV Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.4XW Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4XY Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4XZ Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4YA Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4YB Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.4YD Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
12.4YE Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
12.4YG Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
Affected 15.0-Based Releases First Fixed Release 15.0EA Not vulnerable
15.0EB Not vulnerable
15.0EC Not vulnerable
15.0ED Vulnerable; migrate to any release in 15.2E
15.0EF Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
15.0EH Not vulnerable
15.0EJ Not vulnerable
15.0EX 15.0(1)EX2
15.0EY 15.0(2)EY2
15.0EZ 15.0(1)EZ
15.0M Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
15.0MR Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
15.0S Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
15.0SE 15.0(2)SE3
15.0SG 15.0(2)SG7
15.0SQA Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
15.0SQB Not vulnerable
15.0SY 15.0(1)SY5
15.0XA Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
15.0XO Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.0SG
Affected 15.1-Based Releases First Fixed Release 15.1EY Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
15.1GC Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
15.1M 15.1(4)M7
15.1MR Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
15.1MRA Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
15.1S Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
15.1SG 15.1(2)SG1
15.1SNG Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
15.1SNH Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
15.1SNI Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
15.1SVD Not vulnerable
15.1SY 15.1(1)SY1
15.1T Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
15.1XB Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.1M
15.1XO Not vulnerable
Affected 15.2-Based Releases First Fixed Release 15.2E Not vulnerable
15.2EY Not vulnerable
15.2GC Vulnerable; migrate to any release in 15.4T
15.2JA Not vulnerable
15.2JAX Not vulnerable
15.2JB Releases prior to 15.2(2)JB2 are vulnerable; Releases 15.2(2)JB2 and later are not vulnerable.
15.2JN Not vulnerable
15.2M 15.2(4)M4
15.2S Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
15.2SA 15.2(2)SA
15.2SNG Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
15.2SNH Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
15.2SNI Vulnerable; First fixed in Release 15.3S
15.2T 15.2(2)T4
Affected 15.3-Based Releases First Fixed Release 15.3S 15.3(1)S2
15.3T 15.3(1)T2
15.3(2)T2; Available on 13-DEC-13
Cisco IOS-XE Software
Affected Releases First Fixed Release 2.x Vulnerable; migrate to 3.8.2S or later 3.1.xSG Vulnerable; migrate to 3.2.7SG or later 3.2.xSG 3.2.7SG
3.2.xSE 3.2.2SE 3.2.xSQ Vulnerable; migrate to 3.3.0SQ or later 3.2.xXO Vulnerable 3.3.xSG Vulnerable; migrate to 3.4.1SG 3.3.xSQ Not vulnerable 3.4.xSG 3.4.1SG 3.1.xS Vulnerable; migrate to 3.8.2S or later
3.2.xS Vulnerable; migrate to 3.8.2S or later
3.3.xS Vulnerable; migrate to 3.8.2S or later
3.4.xS Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
3.5.xS Vulnerable; migrate to 3.8.2S or later
3.6.xS Vulnerable; migrate to 3.8.2S or later
3.7.xS Vulnerable; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
3.8.xS 3.8.2S 3.9.xS 3.9.1S 3.10.xS Not vulnerable Cisco ASA and Cisco PIX Software
Affected Releases First Fixed Release 7.x Vulnerable; migrate to or later
8.0 Vulnerable; migrate to or later
8.1 Vulnerable; migrate to or later
8.2 Vulnerable; migrate to or later
8.3 Vulnerable; migrate to or later
8.4 8.5 Vulnerable; migrate to 9.0.3 or later 8.6 Vulnerable; migrate to 9.0.3 or later
8.7 Not vulnerable 9.0 9.0.3 9.1; contact your support organization per the instructions in Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
Cisco FWSM Software
All versions of Cisco FWSM Software are affected by the vulnerability that is disclosed in this document. There are currently no official fixed releases available on, but interim releases may be available through Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).
Customers with service contracts should contact Cisco support organization per the instructions in the Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.Cisco NX-OS Software
Cisco Nexus 7000:
Affected Releases First Fixed Release 4.x Vulnerable
5.x Vulnerable
6.0 Vulnerable
6.1 6.1(4)a
6.2 6.2.6
7.x Not vulnerable
Cisco Nexus 5000:
Affected Releases First Fixed Release 4.x Vulnerable
5.x Vulnerable
6.x Vulnerable 7.x 7.0.0.N1(1)
All versions of Cisco NX-OS Software for Cisco Nexus 3000, Cisco Nexus 4000, and Cisco Nexus 6000 are affected by the vulnerability that is disclosed in this document. There are currently no official fixed releases available on, but interim releases may be available through Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC). Customers with service contracts should contact Cisco support organization per the instructions in the Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
Cisco StarOS Software
This vulnerability has been fixed in Cisco StarOS Software version 14.0.50488.
Customers with service contracts should contact Cisco support organization per the instructions in the Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory.
The Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) is not aware of any public announcements or malicious use of the vulnerability that is described in this advisory.
This vulnerability was found and reported to Cisco by Dr. Gabi Nakibly from Rafael Advanced Defense Systems as joint work he conducted with Eitan Menahem, Yuval Elovici and Ariel Waizel of Telekom Innovation Laboratories at Ben Gurion University.
To learn about Cisco security vulnerability disclosure policies and publications, see the Security Vulnerability Policy. This document also contains instructions for obtaining fixed software and receiving security vulnerability information from Cisco.
Version Description Section Status Date 1.4 Added Cisco Nexus 9000 to the list of products not affected by the vulnerability. Affected Products - Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable Final 2017-February-13 1.3 Included NX-OS Software tables 2014-July-31 1.2 Included OVAL definitions 2013-August-17 1.1 Fixed broken links 2013-August-05 1.0 Initial public release 2013-August-01
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